The „Mr. Nilsson shirt“

I bought this really nice fabric with the little lake, the trees and those animals on it already some time ago – and I loved to use it for the second try with my Bernina serger.

I’m really happy with the result: A cute shirt for my daughter. And as there is a tiny little monkey somewhere on the shirt – my daughter calls it her „Mr. Nilsson shirt“. And as she is such a huge Pippi Longstocking fan – it wasn’t easy to persuade her to take it off again :-)

The shirt is my own design. There are some things concerning that shirt which aren’t perfect – but those are the details which help me learn to get better. And in general – I like the shirt a lot:


The wonderful pear and the cute apples are again from Lorelei.

RevoluzZzionary Spring Colors

One of the new revoluzZzaionary things this year will be that I’m going to find special colors for the different seasons which will dominate my collection of creations and clothes (yes, clothes – you will find more about that soon. Stay tuned). And for spring I tried a lot, combined many colors, looked over many, many fabrics… and finally I went for my first color combination:


It’s yellow, red and aqua/turquoise/light blue.
I never liked yellow very much – and that’s exactly the reason why I chose this color first and tried to find a combination which made me like it. And that’s exactly what happened. Together with red and turquoise – I really, really like yellow.

So, stay tuned and expect many yellow, red and turquoise things soon :-)

And by the way: You find those cute buttons of mine on dawanda!

Happy 2009!

I hope you all have an amazing and great New Year! And I hope you will share a bit of your time with me next year – and I promise: There will be a lot of absolutely new stuff! :-) (and the new „hardware“ is already on its way – yay!)

Take care!

Ich hoffe Ihr alle schaut einem großartigen und wunderbaren neuen jahr entgegen. Und ich hoffe, dass Ihr wieder ein bisschen Eurer Zeit mit mit teilen werdet im nächsten jahr. Und ich verspreche: Es wird viele absolut neue Sachen geben :-) (und neue „Hardware ist schon unterwegs – juhuu!)

Paßt auf Euch auf!

Tomorrow Christmas Decorations Come/ Morgen Kinder wird’s was geben…

It’s a pretty stressful Christmas season this year – but as many of your were asking: I made some Christmas decorations. Not very much, but some – and you can get them tomorrow afternoon at my dawanda-shop.

Enjoy :-)

Da nun schon so oft nachgefragt wurde – ein klitzekleines bisschen RevoluzZza-Weihnachts-Deko wird es morgen Nachmittag bei dawanda geben (nichts altes, keine Weihnachtssternketten wie im letzten Jahr – nicht mal die beliebten kleinen Wichtelchen. Neu ist gut :-)). Ich hoffe, es wird Euch gefallen.