Little newborn robot baby

I promised it: More boys‘ stuff.

 So say ‚Hello‘ to Eno, the robot baby (little brother of the RevoluzZza felt robot). He is really friendly and funny and nice – as long as he isn’t hungry. So if you meet him? Feed him! :-)
Very soon you can see him and his brothers and sisters as robot softies.

 Robot Eno

(Oh, and you say „NewBORN robot?? Don’t be silly, robots aren’t born… they are built!“ Well, obviously there are some facts you don’t know so far :-)

To be continued….)

For boys only!

I have to admit it: Most of my creations are for girls.
So I decided to concentrate more on boys stuff (more monsters and robots in the near future! :-))

 And here are some – for newborn baby boys :-)

Tom, Richard and Elwin:

Nice things for boys

>>> More boys stuff at my flickr-account

(Of course many of these revoluzZzionary creations are great for girls too :-) )

Many pretty Easter Bunnies

Wow – you all made so many pretty Easter Bunnies with the RevoluzZza-pattern.

For example these:

easter bunny, originally uploaded by floresita.

Bunny with Carrot, originally uploaded by Blue Bobbin.

And also those:
– Osterhasis von den Fischköppen

– Osterhasen von den Preussen

And much more. Thank you – it’s really nice to see what you all created with that pattern!

Create your own revoluzZzionary Easter Bunny

It’s rainy and bad weather here in germany – so we did some Easter handcrafts with the kids. If you wanna to – here is all you need.

That’s how it works:


Just print this pdf:


Or this gif:


Cut it out:


And be creative… paint, sew… whatever you want :-)

My kids did this:


And I did that:


Have fun!

Happy Easter!

Allen revoluzZzionären Lesern wünsche ich ein frohes Osterfest! Leider hatte ich nicht die Zeit, die ich gerne gehabt hätte, um allerhand Österliches zu fabrizieren – aber Einiges war es dann doch:

I hope you all have revoluzZzionary Easter Holidays! Unfortunately I haven’t had enough time to sew a lot of Easter things – but here are some:

 Happy Easter

Mehr gibts hier: / And here are even more: RevoluzZzionäre Ostersachen bei flickr/RevoluzZzionary Easter stuff at flickr

Und einen ganz zum Schluß vor Ostern genähten Hasen könnt Ihr noch bei dawanda ergattern: /And if you wanna buy a little (Easter) bunny – this is one I made right now and you can get her (yes, it’s a girl ;-)) on dawanda (if you are not from Germany, just contact me via email): Häschen/Bunny Fiora