Work in Progress: Robot/Roboter

Sometimes it’s interesting to have a look behind the scenes. Today I show you what has to happen to get such a cute little robot friend:

Manchmal ist ein Blick hinter die Kulissen einfach nett. Drum zeige ich hier mal, was passieren musste, damit Lilith diesen süßen Roboter in ihren Armen halten konnte:


Everything starts with a sketch on my computer:

Bei mir beginnt immer alles mit einer Skizze am Computer:

work in progress 01

And then: Print the sketch, cut it out, pin it on the chosen fabric, cut the fabric, neat the edges, decorate it…

Dann wird die Skizze ausgedruckt, ausgeschnitten, auf den ausgewählten Stoff aufgesteckt, geschnitten, versäumt, ein bisschen dekoriert…

Work in progress 02

Do a little bit embroidery, sew the arms and fill them with doll wadding.

Noch ein bisschen Sticken, die Arme nähen und mit Puppenwatte füllen:

Work in progress 03

Sew the front and back together and don’t forget the arms. Fill the robot with wadding:

Vorder- und Rückseite zusammennähen, dabei die Arme nicht vergessen und den Roboter mit Watte füllen:

Work in progress 04

Sew it together with blind stitch – and that’s it. Not that difficult, right?

So, just give it a try, imagine something nice and sew the stuffed animal that you have always dreamed of :-)


Zum Schluß wird die Puppe mit einem Blindstich per Hand geschlossen – und das war’s schon! Nicht so schwierig.

Also, versuch es selbst mal, denk Dir was Nettes aus und näh das Stofftier Deiner Träume :-)


RevoluzZzionary Robots / RevoluzzZionäre Roboter

Finally ENO left his virtual life and became real: A real stuffed softie robot :-)

The truth is: Someone found him in a pile of broken black stones… far away in a deserted area in Siberia. He was brought to us and we coddled him up with a lot of engine oil. And he became a brave and strong robot – a real daredevil.

 And every night, when he falls asleep – he asks in a low voice: „Will I dream?“. And when you think: „Hm, that sounds familiar to me…“. That’s right: ENO is a cousin of HAL 9000 :-)


Schließlich verließ ENO nun die Virtualität und wurde real: Ein Roboter aus Fleisch und Blut… ähm, Baumwolle, Filz und Polyesterwolle :-)

Die Wahrheit ist: Irgendwo in den öden Weiten Sibiriens wurde ENO inmitten eines Haufens schwarzer zerbrochener Steine gefunden und zu uns gebracht. Nachdem wir ihn mit einer ordentlichen Menge Motorenöl aufgepäppelt hatten, ist nun ein großer, mutiger und starker Roboter aus ihm geworden: Ein echter Draufgänger.

Und jeden Abend bevor er einschläft, fragt er leise: „Will I dream?“. Und wenn Du nun denkst „Hm, das kommt mir doch bekannt vor…“. genau: Eno ist ein Cousin von HAL 9000 :-)

Robot ENO

And ENO brought some friends along.
The kind robot called Beep:


Und er brachte auch noch ein paar Freunde mit.

Den lieben Roboter Beep:

Robot Beep

… and the brave robot called Krrrtbrimm Version 7.0.3:


… und den mutigen Roboter Krrrtbrimm Version 7.0.3:

krrrtbrimm703 robot

 The robot gang:

Die Roboter-Bande:


Softies Award

On Friday night the entry period for the 2nd Annual Softie Awards ended – and you really should have a look at those great and beautiful and special softies which are presented here: 2nd Annual Softie Awards at flickr.

And I’m proud that the mouse that I sewed for Lilith is shown on the Softies Central Blog.


By the way: If you are looking for great handcraft books that present special stuffed animals – you should have a look at these Softies books:

– Softies: Simple Instructions for 25 Plush Pals

– The Softies Kit: Instructions and Tools for Creating 15 Plush Pals

Let’s sew a tree

Usually I avoid to use IKEA fabrics, because you see them everywhere and therefore i find them pretty boring. OK, there are some really classy plaid IKEA fabrics which I don’t want to miss.

And there is one new fabric at IKEA that is very, very nice – a bit retro style. But the pattern is very big so it’s difficult to use it except for curtains or bed linen. Well, I really had to buy this fabric because I like it so much – but we don’t need new curtains or bed linen :-)

Some days ago I had an idea and here is the tutorial. It’s really simple and the result is very decorative.

Let’s start:

1. Drive to IKEA and buy a piece of the fabric FREDRIKA with the cute trees on it:

2. Cut them out and neat the edges:


3. Decorate them – just as you like it. They look really nice even if you use them without extra decoration:


4. Put the two halfs one on another – face to face – and sew them together. Of yourse you have to leave a little opening to fill the wadding inside the tree. Finally you close the tree by hand with the blind stitch:


And – that’s it!


You can hang the tree into a window, use it as a decoration or even as a pillow.

If you sew your own IKEA fabric tree: Leave a link to your work! I’m very curious :-)


And: More boys stuff.
Or: stuffed monsters that like girls AND boys.

These two friends are for sure not the most courageous monsters in the world… but they have special skills that might make children (and even adults) happy.

Tamto has a music box in his tummy and he plays a very nice and sweet little melody to help kids to fall asleep or just make them dream:

Tamto - Musical Monster

And Maddo makes everyone laugh who looks at him. OK, I have to admit that he is a little bit crazy. But in a nice and friendly way:

Maddo - Crazy Monster

Both are the best companions for a nice and funny day – they like to play a lot of games and having adventures.
And when you fall asleep at night, Maddo tells a funny bedtime story and Tamto plays a lullaby.


The dark side…

I created so many nice and beautiful and kind and cute and sweet bunnies… that one day I realized it’s time for the KILLER-MONSTER-ZOMBIE-BUNNY. Because: Not every bunny can be cute – and every beautiful and good thing has also a dark side. Somewhere… hidden in the dark.

Say ‚Hello‘ to Godu and his cute and nice sister Lilia. Although they are sister and brother they are very, very different…

Angel and Monster Bunny

 So… be careful… :-)