Ich liebe den Regen / I love the Rain



Ich liebe metertiefen Schnee, ich liebe Sommerhitze, die einem den Atem nimmt, ich liebe Donner, Blitze – und schlagartige Frühlingsgewitter mit Gartenüberschwemmungen.
Und ich liebe es, danach barfuß durch die Pfützen und über den überschwemmten Rasen zu laufen.

I love all kinds of weather: tons of snow in the winter, hot summer nights that are humid and breathtaking. I love thunderbolts – and sudden spring thunderstorms like we have today.
And I love to walk barefooted through the puddles afterwards.






Anni lives in a wild garden near a forest surrounded by meadows and cornfields.
There is also an old house nearby – but there is nobody living there as long as Anni can think.
Anni loves her garden and takes care of all the plants.

Soon some of her siblings will come to visit her – and maybe they will even stay with her… in her lovely and wild garden.