Daily Pirate / Jeden Tag – ein Pirat

There will be a lot of pirates from now on in this blog. And this is the third:

Miru – a very kind and funny pirate monster with a big, fat belly. He is a bit lazy and always a bit too late. So he is most of the time still in his berth when his pirate colleagues are already fighting and boarding other ships. But still everybody likes him because he is really funny and he can tell great stories.


Ab jetzt wird es hier jede Menge Piraten geben. Und dieses ist nun der dritte:

Miru ist ein freundliches und lustiges Piraten-Monster mit einem dicken, fetten Bauch. Er ist ein bisschen faul und kommt ständig überall zu spät. Und so liegt er meistens noch in seiner Koje, wenn seine Piraten-Kollegen schon heftig kämpfen und fremde Schiffe entern. Aber trotzdem mag ihn jeder, weil er eben so lustig ist und wunderbare Geschichten erzählen kann.

>>> Buy him here / Kauf ihn hier

>>> More photos here / Mehr Fotos hier


For the upcoming exhibition I decided to make different fairy tale creatures. Amongst others there will be Little Red Riding Hood und the bad, bad wolf.

So far I don’t have any experiences with stuffed animals that have a snout like a wolf. And although I own many, many great handcraft books – I didn’t find a proper help there.
In such a case I make a simple sketch like the little wolf here… and then I take an old fabric and start to sew (I’m the trial and error type of person – and I only plan for a short time and then go in medias res). With the old fabrics it doesn’t matters if the first stuffed animal looks ugly or becomes a disaster:-)

So, here is my wolf’s head:

I think it’s OK so far but the snout looks a bit too much like one from a fox. So thanks to Photoshop I could make the snout a bit bigger and erased the teeth:

What do you think? Better?

The calm after the storm…

… is over now :-)

More RevoluzZza stuff: TODAY.

And I wanna thank you all for your nice and interesting and inspiring comments you have made in the meantime!