Holly in Berlin
Some time ago Holly Becker invited me to a very special event that took place this saturday: A party to celebrate the release of the german version of her book „Decorate“ – „Lust auf Wohnen“ – in Germany.
Holly were talking about her life and her work in a very inspiring and encouraging way – and I think each of us felt motivated to… finally start/continue a blog/realize the idea she/he was always thinking of/just start something new.
One thing she said especially remained in my head: „Use your blog to tell your story“ – so it’s just not enough to show pretty pictures you think others might like or collect things others already showed successfully on their blogs. Think about what YOU like and what YOU want to tell – and make your blog authentic and unique.
I also liked Steffi’s presentation a lot – who was representing Brigitte. And who is also writing a personal blog which many of you might know: Ohhh… Hm…. Besides all the interesting details about how you can try to connect your online blogging with being published in a print media like Brigitte – Steffi said: „Trau Dich, eigene Ideen zu haben – Don’t be afraid to have your own ideas!“ So just don’t care about what others think or do – trust yourself that YOUR ideas are really good – and not silly or ridiculous at all.
And I think this is such an important message. The blogger scene is so overwhelming and so strong nowadays – it can easily happen that you forget about your own motivations and you just get carried away and end up blogging things that are not really your own unique ideas but just follow the blogging mainstream (and honestly I can see this in some blogs that started so promising and unique and are today just average…).
So: – think of Steffi and: „Trau Dich, eigene Ideen zu haben!“
Oh, well… and absolutely amazing was Matthew Stinchcomb from etsy.com. I’m actually not able to write all of the interesting and inspiring things he was talking about… it was kind of a thunderstorm of inspiration that was rolling over us and left us with many new informations and good feelings. He was talking about: social shopping (of course), why the new way of producers selling their goods directly to the customers (direct exchange) is the best way and also of course is the way people did trade for hundreds of years before the industrialization changed everything, about the occupy movement, sexual arousal, inside-out-computers, self-sufficiency, break down of the economic and ecological system, burning houses, why granny’s quilt is more important than a flatscreen… well, and many more interesting issues.
If you have a chance to listen to one of his presentations or to meet him: Do it – you will absolutely enjoy it.
Alright, I will end this part with one of Matt’s book recommendations: „Small Is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered“ by E. F. Schumacher.
And I met many amazing people, some of them were already a part of my life for a pretty long time – but only online – so it was just great to finally meet them in person. I feel like I should make a list and link some of them – especially as all of these blogs are so very unique and inspiring:
Andrea from Jolijou
Anna from Anna Sterntaler
Caro from Draußen nur Kännchen!
Dolores from Kleinformat
Juliane from Fröken Skicklig
Nic from Luzia Pimpinella
Steffi from Ohhh… Hmmm…
Susanne from Hamburger Liebe
Wesna from Monpti
And many, many more.
When the party was over at the Soho House – Dolores, Juliane, Wesna and I headed to a nice restaurant and were evolving huge plans to change the world into a better place of creativity, sustainability and harmony (of course) and we decided to make those meetings more often. And yes – you always plan to do this and mostly never realize it. But this time – we will. So let’s meet each other next time: In Vienna.
(I have no words to explain or justify this photo – but the beautiful woman next to me who thinks that „Ameisen sind scheisse“ is Wesna : -))
hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!! toller post suse!!!!!! :) schmatz!
Vielen Dank, liebe Suse! Ich freue mich auf eine Fortsetzung unseres Wilde-Pläne-Schmiedens… Sei umarmt!
[…] Aber: Das nächste Blogger-Event kommt bestimmt! Für dieses Mal verweisen wir auf die Berichte von Revoluzza, menschenskind und Ohhh… Hmmm…. Wir wünschen ein inspirierendes […]
I love your blog – und Holly’s Party war spitze! Freue mich auf den nächsten Kreativ-Blogger treffen auch!! xo
Das Foto von euch beiden ist herzallerliebst!
Ich habe mich tierisch gefreut!
Liebste Grüße aus PbeiB,
Ja, das war so toll und ich hab‘ mich riesig gefreut, so viele Gesichter hinter den Blogs endlich mal „in echt“ zu treffen! Das nächste Mal hoffentlich mit ein bisschen mehr Zeit zu plaudern ;)!
Liebe Grüße,
Ja, das war so toll und ich hab\‘ mich riesig gefreut, so viele Gesichter hinter den Blogs endlich mal \"in echt\" zu treffen! Das nächste Mal hoffentlich mit ein bisschen mehr Zeit zu plaudern ;)!
Liebe Grüße,
Ja, das war so toll und ich hab\\\‘ mich riesig gefreut, so viele Gesichter hinter den Blogs endlich mal \\"in echt\\" zu treffen! Das nächste Mal hoffentlich mit ein bisschen mehr Zeit zu plaudern ;)!
Liebe Grüße,
Ja, das war so toll und ich hab\\\\\\\‘ mich riesig gefreut, so viele Gesichter hinter den Blogs endlich mal \\\\"in echt\\\\" zu treffen! Das nächste Mal hoffentlich mit ein bisschen mehr Zeit zu plaudern ;)!
Liebe Grüße,
Schade, dass ich das Event und Euch alle auf einem Haufen verpasst habe! :-(
Hoffentlich bis bald mal – in meinem Laden?!
Liebe Grüße