We want your… blood!

I have always been a big fan of the movie „From Dusk Till Dawn“. Vampires are not my favorite mythological creatures – but I definitely like them. And of course I know of the vampire hype that is happening because of the Twilight-books and the movie – I didn’t read the books or watched the movie. But I watched some vampire TV show recently. I don’t really like the show – but I dig the opener (and the music):

So I really wanted to make a vampire doll (after I made all those monster dolls…) – and I made even two of them so far: with blood thirsty vampire teeth, a dark soul – and nice boots :-)

Say hello to Antonella and Bastienne!


You’ll better be careful when you go to bed tonight…

Well, and unfortunately they won’t be available in my shop so far – but at a very special fashion event I’m taking part in 1 1/2 weeks: WEDDING DRESS #4 – FESTIVAL OF URBAN FASHION AND LIFESTYLE
(one could think that this fashion show has something to do with wedding, marriage – but actually Wedding is a district/part of Berlin)

8 Antworten auf “We want your… blood!”

  1. suse, suse… oh suse… mir fehlen die worte:))

  2. Deshalb wohl auch die Shop-Pause?
    Klasse, die beiden!

  3. absolut genial! sind die zähne gestickt? ich fasse es nicht! einfach klasse!!!!

    liebe grüße, lina

  4. Meine Güte, sind die coooool! Und ich stimme dir zu: From Dusk till dawn: sehr cool. Twilight: Weder gelesen, noch gesehen, noch Ambitionen dazu…. True Blood, da hatte ich was von gelesen und fand es klang eigentlich ganz gut. Du warst also nicht so begeistert? Wo kommt das noch mal?

  5. Und ja: Cooler Vorspann und cooler Song! Ich liiiebe Antonella (sie ist doch die in rot-schwarz oder?

  6. Complimenti!!! Sono GENIALI! Belle belle belle!

  7. I absolutely LOVE your vampire girls :)
    they are so cool!

  8. einfach furchtbar wunderschön deine vampirgirls !!
    die gestickte zähnchen unglaublich, zum beißen süß :o)!

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