New cats in town

I have been pretty busy with many things lately – so I haven’t updated my blog and my shop recently.

But there is a new shop update coming along next week – and this time there will be a lot of absolutely new and cute cats,which are sometimes dangerous, some in a good and some in a bad or sad or dreamy mood…

These are some of the new cats in town (the cat girl in the middle is Maude –  she is really a special one. Always the one who is in charge, always has an answer to every question she is asked and has always a clean tissue with her to clean the mess that others did – to make the world a better place :-). Better don’t mess with her – that could become dangerous: For YOU)


8 Antworten auf “New cats in town”

  1. Oh nein :o) sind die toll! Ich freu mich drauf liebe Suse!!!
    Schöne Grüße von Marina

  2. meine güte sind die …einfach zum knuddeln =^..^=
    bin gespannt ob die katzenfamilie noch wächst?
    hoffe doch :))

  3. Liebe Suse, die Katzen sind genial! Gerade die mit den braunen Haaren hat mein Herz erobert. :)

  4. I like dangerous cats, and especially the Revoluzza Ones :-) Wish you a wonderful day*

  5. They are cute as always!

  6. Ja ich muss schon wieder schaun :o) ich hab mich schon verliebt :o) in die Türkise mit den Punkten….meine Güte hat diiiiiiie ein süüüüüüßes Gesichtchen ♥♥

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