Pikatto, pikattu, pikatta… Pikatti!

Sometimes the best things just happen accidentally – and things like scribbling around a bit while you are doing something else – talking on the phone for example – is a really good thing because your consiousness isn’t judging the thing you are scribbling and telling you „Oh, that looks weird, stop that“. Almost a little bit like the Surrealists did their écriture automatique (I had to give a presentation about this issue while studying Fine Arts and I found it absolutely fascinating).

And so I was recently talking in the phone, scribbling and finally found something on my paper I really liked (these two creatures are only two details of a piece of paper that was filled with a lot of stuff):


And those two look somehow different than the rest of my creatures (to me – maybe not from a more distant point of view from someone else) that I thought I really should try to make something with them. Somehow they gave me a feeling of little creatures who live far in the north, maybe in Iceland or Lapland. Somewhere I found the Inuit word Pikatti which means „companion“. And I think that fits perfectly to these little creatures.


My daughter has a little friend who is a very, very cute little girl, absolutely adorable – but she hardly ever smiles and has such a special character. And although she is such a little girl – you better don’t mess with her because she can get pretty angry :-)

I thought of her when I made the first little Pikatti girl: Nana


8 Antworten auf “Pikatto, pikattu, pikatta… Pikatti!”

  1. is ja goldig
    xoxo andy

  2. du schaffst mich, suse…. :) du bist doch echt pausenlos genial ;)

  3. Nana ist so perfekt…perfekt wie du es beschreibst. Ich könnte mir vorstellen mit ihr durch Island zu reisen, das macht sicher viel Spaß ;o) und am Besten sind doch eh die Zufälle, wenn dieses süße Wesen eigentlich nur aus Versehen beim Telefongekrizzel entstanden ist….sowas von toll!!!
    Liebe Grüße!

  4. wieder ein sooo großartiges puppilein!
    liebe ostergrüße

  5. I love her! In fact, all your beautiful toys on this site. It’s interesting to see your design process!


  6. she is so cute. I love her little jacket the detail on it is lovely.


  7. och nee jetzt hab ich\’s schon wieder verpasst ….
    ich habe versucht das Monster nachzuarbeiten und bin beinahe verzweifelt und wenn ich dann deine tollen puppen sehe und diesen liebling hier dann habe ich vollsten respekt ;) liebste Grüße Tanja

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