Pirates and a cute Whale/Piraten und ein niedlicher Wal
And again: Pirates, pirates everywhere! And a cute little whale: Whale Wally who is the best friend of pirate Piet. His eyes are tiny little stiched flowers – and he is strong enough to carry a pacifier. And because of that his job is being a pacifier keeper. Good boy :-)
Und mal wieder: Piraten, Piraten überall! Und ein süßer kleiner Wal: Wal Wall ist der beste Freund des frechen Piratenjungen Piet. Seine Augen sind klitzekleine gestickte Blumen – und er ist stark genug, um einen Schnuller zu tragen. Drum ist es sein Job, eine Schnullerkette zu sein. Braver Junge :-)
Und ein Piraten T-Shirt, das aus lieben braven Kindern wilde, gefährliche Piraten macht.
And a pirate shirt which changes nice and kind kids into dangerous and wild pirates:
your creativity continues to astound me. that tshirt is so stinkin cute. Arrrrr! I am snowed under with so many projects and obligations right now, I haven\’t been able to do a single piratey thing.
Love these! You have some great stuff I just going to have to link to :)
wow the whale is cute, and so ifs the adorable little girl in the pirate shirt :)