Yay! RevoluzZzionary Design in Tokyo, Dublin and Berlin

Recently I took part at a competition of a local bag designer: tauschetasche.

It’s a pretty successfull shop with a nice idea: You can change the cover of your bag whenever you like and there are many, many different covers you can buy. And so it’s like you have a new bag when you change the cover (and every woman loves new bags of course). Or you change the cover for a special occasion. Or just another cover for every outfit. Most of the stylish women and mommies here in Berlin/Prenzlauer Berg own a tauschetasche-bag (and of course I own one too :-) ). Recently the tauschetasche-team opened new shops – one in Dublin and one in Tokyo.

And that was the theme of the contest: Dublin – Tokyo.

Means: Special covers for the shops in Tokyo and Dublin.

Today I got an email that told me that I didn’t win the first, second or third prize. Well, that’s alright. But: I won an special prize and soon you can buy a bag cover with a cute little manga-girl on it. And – it’s an originally revoluzZzionary design :-)

Here you can see the other winners.

You can see all the great works in an exhibition:

13th August – 13th September

tauschetasche shop
Raumerstraße 8
10437 Berlin

2 Antworten auf “Yay! RevoluzZzionary Design in Tokyo, Dublin and Berlin”

  1. Hallo.
    Hab soeben den Tausche-Newsletter bekommen – herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Anerkennungspreis. Hab natürlich auch eine Tausche-Tasche und durfte mir letztens auch den Laden in Dublin zu Gemüte führen – ein bisschen zu klein :-) Freu mich, dass ich bald vielleicht eine echt „Suse-Bauer“ rumtragen darf. Toll..
    Liebe Grüße aus Leipzig

  2. Steffi Rehländer 30. Juni 2008 um 14:47 Uhr

    wow… klasse…. Gratulation!!!

    sieht aber auch wirklich super aus… ich mag deine „mädels“ …und dann noch in kombination mit einer tasche… unwiderstehlich;o)

    liebe grüße

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